The “FIRST QUEEN” of Treble Boosts; this is the original 1970s design by Pete Cornish. Now named the TB-83™ it uses the original PCB layout and identical components sourced from the same suppliers.
The TB-83™ is designed to improve the tone and overdrive characteristics of the “Normal Channel”” “in early Vox AC30s adding “Bite” and some “Dirt” to these low gain type of amps.
Each unit is independently hand built, wired and tested by Pete, Lynda and Mingus Cornish.
1) The TB-83™ was originally designed to be the interface between Burns Tri-Sonic pickups and the “Normal” input on vintage (pre Treble Boost) Vox AC30 amplifiers. It also performs remarkably well with other Low Gain Amps that have little or no built in Treble Boost.
2) Each TB-83™ is individually numbered, signed and dated internally which provides full traceability and history.
3) Due to the modular design of the TB-83™ all parts are replaceable if they become damaged. Please contact us if you wish to purchase replacement parts.
4) The active circuitry is potted in semi-flexible resin as vital protection:
- a) against environmental conditions which can cause unwanted changes to the electronic circuitry.
b) to eliminate the possibility of microphonic feedback that can occur when high gain devices are used in close proximity to amplifiers at full volume. Glass fibre PCBs are prone to resonant vibrations and our use of dense potting material increases the mass of the circuit board to place any possible resonances outside the audio frequency spectrum.
5) The maximum output of the TB-83™ is +10dBm and the measured output noise with a 10KΩ source impedance is -82dBm giving a signal to noise ratio of 92dB.
6) An input for a DC adaptor is fitted: the size of the coax connector is 5.5/2.1mm and the centre pin is negative (-VE). The voltage rating of the adaptor should be noise free, fully stabilised at 9V DC and capable of supplying 20mA. We recommend the use of the Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus adaptor as meeting the above criteria and cannot accept any liability for damage caused to this unit by the use of, or to, any other type of AC/DC adaptor. An adapter proving an output of an AC voltage should not be used as it will permanently damage the pedal: such damage is not covered under our warranty. If only a single unit is to be powered the BOSS PSA series may be more cost effective and is also recommended; but do not “Daisy Chain” other effects if using this adaptor as this may cause hum problems.
7) The TB-83™ is housed in a Rugged Die-cast box with with a Hi-Brite “Power ON” LED.
Dimensions: 121 X 66 X 40 mm
This unit has been built using the finest available components and constructed to the highest standards but should any fault occur during the two years from date of purchase please return it post paid to the above address where under guarantee repairs of any original manufacturing fault will be carried out (normal wear, misuse, unauthorized modifications or accidental damage excepted). The warranty will be voided if the guarantee labels are damaged or removed. This warranty does not apply to customer’s own equipment, which has been connected to this unit. This warranty is not transferable.