1964 Fender Rhodes Piano Bass & Celeste Vintage Original Silver Sparkle Top Keyboard Stand – RARE Pre-CBS Maple & Metal Factory Stand From ’64 Catalog 1962-1975

1964 Fender Rhodes Piano Bass & Celeste Vintage Original Silver Sparkle Top Keyboard Stand – RARE Pre-CBS Maple & Metal Factory Stand From ’64 Catalog 1962-1975


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– For your consideration is this vintage pre-CBS 1964 Fender Rhodes Piano Bass and Celeste keyboard stand.
– Impossibly rare, this is a factory original Fender Rhodes Bass and Celeste stand in exceptional 100% all original condition.
– It will appropriately complement a Fender Rhodes Piano Bass or Rhodes Celeste in the following configurations; Desert Sand top w/ rough Brown tolex, Fiesta Red top w/ both rough and smooth Blond tolex, Gold Sparkle top w/ brown and blond tolex, Silver Sparkle top w/ black tolex, and Black top w/ black tolex.
– While this stand was first pictured alongside the introduction of the Rhodes line in Fender’s 1962 catalog, it somehow remained available and unchanged through every iteration of the Rhodes MKI keyboard. Between 1962-1975 this exact stand was available as an extra accessory.
– The 1974 catalog lists this rarity under “KEYBOARD INSTRUMENT ACCESSORIES” as “Piano Bass Stand, Adjustable Stand, Piano Bass” designated with the model number as 38 0408.
– It is denoted as $50.50 in 1967, $65.00 in 1973, and finally $95.00 in 1974.
– Even though this exact stand was available for purchase for 13 years, they are incredibly scarce, and are rarely unearthed for purchase online.
– Measurements: With the stand at it’s lowest height setting, and angled properly for ease of use, the keys of a piano bass sit about ~27″ from the ground. With the stand at it’s tallest height setting, while still angled, the keys of a piano bass sit about ~41″ from the ground. The legs are roughly 16″ long, so the diameter of the stand sits about 30″.

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