– For your consideration is this vintage 1978 Mu-Tron III envelope filter effects pedal by Musitronics.
– This very good example, serial number 21925, is in perfect working order and included the original corresponding PS-1 power supply unit, serial number 10735.
– Aside from non-original orange paint applied to the bottom of the both units, this example is in 100% all original condition.
– It works perfectly and sounds fantastic.
– From the original ’70s Mu-Tron advertisement “New, sophisticated, versatile… utilizing the latest in music synthesis techniques. Small enough to be a ‘mini-synthesizer’. Mu-tron III translates the envelope or ‘volume picture’ of every note automatically… into an easily-controlled, articulated, vowel-like sound – as fast or slow as you play. Use Mu-tron III to create a variety of synthesizer sounds through most electrified instruments – guitar, keyboards, drums, flute, saxophone, brasses, bass, mandolin… even microphone. The sharper your attack and the more percussive your instrument, the wilder your sounds. Mu-tron III can be used with an octave divider or other devices – or in pairs for cascading effects. Besides providing inverted vowel trajectory (‘staccato snap’), Mu-tron III also functions as an automatic ‘wah’ pedal.”